tinyhuman | March to May “She” premieres at Seattle Mag
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March to May “She” premieres at Seattle Mag

SEATTLE, WA – Northbound Records is happy to announce that “She” from Through the Night, the forthcoming debut full length (out 4.21) from orchestral folk duo March to May has premiered at Seattle Mag via:


March to May weave beautiful tales that will steal your breath away.” – The Revue

On Through the Night, March to May paint sweeping portraits of love, life, and the pull between darkness and light with a salt-sprayed palette of harp, piano, strings, and horns. From cliffs high above Puget Sound, to sailing a historic steamship, to tucked away cabins on remote islands, the songs on Through the Night are all deeply influenced by the Pacific Northwest’s natural environment.

Rich and alive, yet perhaps a little dark around the edges, and with an introspective bent that add richness and complexity, Through the Night enchants and inspires.
